
5 Safety Tips for Office-Goers During the Pandemic

Posted: 4 Mar, 2021 Contributor: Rashi Chaudhary

As the Coronavirus hits across the nation more than a year ago, every organization opted for a strict shutdown to safeguard their health and flatten the curve of this deadly disease. As for now, the situation is getting back to normal with the decrease in COVID-19 positive cases and the beginning of vaccine drive against the viral pandemic.

After months of working from home and endless Zoom meetings, many workplaces are planning to re-open their doors. However, as you are going after a long time, you might be thinking, is it safe to go back to your workplace? Transitioning back to work can also make you feel worried, fearful, confused, or anxious.

Everyone undergoes unique challenges for heading back to work but with the help of some general tips, we can easily prepare our mind and keep ourselves productive and safe at our offices. Keep scrolling to know-how!

1. Don’t Panic

Novel coronavirus has led to a surge in the usage of virtual technology like Zoom to connect with others easily and effectively. It has become a huge part of our daily lives throughout WFH. The sudden switch from virtual to face-to-face meetings at the workplace might now feel differently.

 But, there is no need to panic. You will get used to it again as you did earlier through virtual meetings. If you have any doubts, raise your concerns and thoughts with your team manager to make the process easier and curb your anxiety.

2. Focus On the Positive Side

Lets’ look towards the positive side of the current scenario as you prepare yourself mentally and physically for resuming to work during the pandemic. Massive vaccination programmes are conducting in India, COVID-19 cases are constantly declining, and life is returning to normal. After months of being cooped inside and connecting virtually with our colleagues, now is the time to get back to the good old routine.

Although workplaces will not be the same in the era of COVID-19, the enthusiasm remains the same. Think about all the fun times and interesting conversations that you had at your workplace. Also, it is good for our health as most of us have been sedentary while working from home. Isn’t it?

3. Follow Every Precautionary Measure

There are a few important protocols to follow to ensure utmost safety. Given below are some of them that you should keep in mind to keep yourself safe and protected before stepping out.

  • Wear a face mask
  • Carry alcohol-based sanitizer or soap paper to the office
  • Carry your basic cutlery like water bottle, paper plate, spoon and mug
  • If you are travelling in a public vehicle, maintain social distancing and avoid crowded vehicles

After reaching the office, take care of some general principle as mentioned below to ensure the safety of yourself and others at the workplace

  • Use stairs to minimize the chances of touching any infected surface. It’s good for keeping you healthy as well
  • Make sure your workstation is disinfected
  • Sit at an adequate distance with your colleague to maintain physical distancing
  • Avoid handshakes
  • Clean your hands thoroughly with running water before eating lunch. Sit at some distance and don’t share your food with others vice versa

4. Intake Nutritious Diet

Most of us have been overindulged in the guilty pleasure of eating junk food, binge watching Netflix, and skipping workouts. The lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating has reduced our stamina and energy levels due to which we can get tired easily. For this reason, a good workout and nutrient-enriched diet is highly advised to boost stamina and prevent fatigue at work.

Therefore, eat home-cooked meals that are good for boosting our immunity. If you are not into cooking, choose a reliable tiffin & corporate catering service like OMKITCHEN to get chemical-free and lip-smacking meals to your home & offices. Eliminate processed food and fuel your body with healthy food to get the energy you need to stay active and productive at work.

5. Get-in Touch With Your Colleagues

Like you, many of your colleagues will be going through the same variety of emotions after returning to work. On that note, it is important to talk and connect to provide support and seek one. Sharing about your feelings with others so that it can help you to keep your stress and emotions in check

Acknowledging your feelings and talking about them can help you to feel better. In fact, just being listened to can make you feel supported and less isolated. In these unprecedented times, look out for yourself and for others to come out stronger, happier, and perform better at work.

Final Thoughts

It is normal to feel uncertain and go through a plethora of emotions under these circumstances. Don’t expect everything to get back to normal quickly. Take baby steps because you will surely need some time in adjusting to this new routine. Make sure your workplace is taking all the safety and hygiene measures, and take certain personal precautions too as discussed.

At last, avoid going to the workplace, if you feel sick or show any worrying symptoms.

Keep Hustling!

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